Last weekend was Typism, a typography/lettering even held in the Gold Coast which is pretty amazing. It was my first one I could attend, and it has inspired me.
Right now, I am a mum and a marketer. And I am fine with that.
But I love the Melbourne Lettering Club, and while I am content at my lettering just being for me, I am proud of the community I have helped create.
There were so many members at Typism, and even 2 spoke! More spoke last year, and the year before as well. We have some amazing letterers in our group and they are all happy share their knowledge.
I look up to lots of our members, they continue to inspire me all the time!
Some of them that I’m happy to mention:
- Bobby Haiqalsyah
- Maria Montes
- Kate Pullen
- Carla Hackett
- Wanissa Somsuphangsri
- Eliza Svikulis
- Moya Carroll
- Lachlan Philp
I have been organising pretty much all of the meet ups previously, but taken a step back due to the exhaustion of motherhood and simply not being in the cbd. But now I am ready again to help my little community.